Tuesday, April 10, 2007


April now, six months since last stem cells. I continue to see stem cells at work. The cells that formed new neurons have done all the dividing and good they will do months ago, since neurons can only divide a few times. The systemic stem cells injections may still be dividing.

My numb hands keep coming and going. Feet,-nothing still. In fact, I tripped and broke my ankle last week. I've got a cast on up to my knee, and frankly, it's driving me nuts.

Up until then, I was walking pretty well, but my balance, although real good standing still, was worse when moving. It didn't take much to disrupt my walking one night and down I went. BUT---I took some video a week prior, and I also took a bunch of "before" videos in August 2006, just before my China trip. My gait became much faster, more relaxed, and straighter. It's obvious. I'll edit the video and send it to Jon at www.stemcellschina.com, so he can post it. Watch for it.

I was going to go to LA for a six-month checkup with Dr. Perlman, but that's put off now because of the ankle, Instead, I'm scheduled for a colonoscopy. Joy.

New MJD recruits in China: Nick and Maria: http://www.stemcellschina.com/blogs/Nick/
and Richard & Lily: http://richardsventure.blogspot.com/
Richard's blog is especially good, as he and his wife, although Americans, are Chinese. Lily is from Hong Kong, and speaks the language. This is a real boon, because she can be a fly on the wall, and also order out. I highly recommend it. Classic reading.

So, Nanshan has had a number of ataxians, specifically many with varying stages of MJD.

MJD, like many neurological maladies, is progressive, so any improvements with the stem cells, will eventually be masked . This is especially true with Type 1 MJD, which usually shows up in teenage years, and progresses rapidly. I, thankfully, have Type 3, which begins at about age 40, and progresses more slowly.

The new stem cells are immune to the suicidal MJD cells' tendencies, but unless you get follow-up treatments, the stem cells you get in one treatment aren't enough to "stem" the tide. That's why I intend to go back as long as I can afford to. As I see it, it's the only game in town.