Wednesday, September 20, 2006

DAY FOUR Sept. 20
Hot and humid today, but Camillia has taken the girls shopping anyway. I had kind of a rough night, arms and legs twitching akimbo; heart racing. Didn't sleep too well. Feel better today, though I had a hard workout in the gym. There's a couple of folks here from Nat'l Geo, doing a story. They interviewed Hal, now they're checking out David. David's massive power wheelchair broke down in front of my next machine, so they sent me home.

The Nar'l Geo people visited Beike (pronounced ba-KAA) the biotech company producing these stem cells, and were blown away by high-tech methods and know-how on their part. This is just a floor in a hospital; they are the brains. This program is bringing some major bucks to this hospital, though.

The girls returned from shopping with 3 pairs of shoes and a shirt, $10. That's about the same as a couple double cheeseburgers, fries and a small coke at Mc Donald's here.