Friday, October 20, 2006

Flight back was OK. Got to the airport (Hong Kong) late, but fortunately the flight was delayed an hour. I got wonderful wheelchair assistance from Cathay Pacific. They wheeled me through passport control, and the long trip to the gate. First on the plane.

We did everything suggested to avoid jet lag-slept, hydrated, stretched, but still arrived in LA crushingly bushed. Sally was hauling two suitcases, laptop, purse, and holding me up steady with both arms. We had to rent a minivan to get to Dr. Perlman's at UCLA for the post-stem cell exam. She had cleared her schedule just for me! She shot more video and did the same exam as she did before. I was sure I'd do much worse with the jet lag, but somehow mustered 30 minutes of strength and cogent conversation to score some more points than before. She thought my walking and steadiness were improved, eyes were better, the "buzzing"
(High-frequency tremor) in my hands was gone. Measureable improvement!

My shoulder still hurts mucho from the fall, and I'm still mighty tired. Sally's still in bed. She certainly deserves the rest. Got up this morning, and took a long shower, got dressed with every intention of coming to work, but instead of waking up, I just kept getting more and more fatigued. Finally gave in, but tried anew about 2PM, and made it in.

Well, I've put in about six bours, mostly talking to the crew about the trip, and what needs to be done at work. Back home now. I can tell, after initial wobblyness, I'm walking better, feet closer together, turning more confidently, and the 'fog' is gone again. I can stand, feet together, rock solid, seemingly forever. My legs stll get cold at night, so it turns out that's neurological. We'll see if it evolves into anything.

I'm going to blog less often now, maybe once a week. Yes, I'll return to China. I'm happy with the results, and have turned the clock back a few years, which was the goal, but I keep having this craving for noodles!