Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Woke up early, feel steadier today. Still shoulder pain. Rumor has that the MIA Jon may show up soon. He is the brains behind this venture, and the floor has been in need of a good translator for weeks. Grace, the #2, has been gone too. Sunny, Camillia, and the Drs and nurses all get by, but lots of things are lost in translation or are not even attempted.

This bad wing prevents meaningful therapy. My extra injection will be Monday, and I'll get it as an IV. We leave two days later. I'll get more improvement at home. In familiar surroundings. Dr. Perlman says it should take six months to a year, though it's hard not to be jealous of Maxie, with his immediate improvements.

Deb and mom Jean left today. Deb will be back in four days. Jean's going home to Vancouver, BC.

The doctor and a bevy of nurses came in and did a neurological exam. Dr. Yang brought a camera, but didn't take any pictures.

Went down to rehab at 3. Worked hard, but maybe set my shoulder back a day or so. Pretty painful, but gotta do it. It's unlikely to heal before I get home anyway.

The four Chinese dinners shown lasted two days--about $3,50