Saturday, October 07, 2006

Tough night. Stomach, back, and neck muscles were all pulled in the fall, and spasming. Skipped morning rehab, but will try to make afternoon. I need some activity.

Got a nice note from niece Breanna, with pix. Glad to hear brother Mark is running. At our age, health is the most important thing, and if you're able to get into shape, go for it! And yes, Jim the DVDs have a 'live' laugh track.

Very hard to type or eat with the wrong hand. Forgive my brevity.

Well, skipped afternoon also. Just not up to it. Sally and I did go down to the garden, which we have been looking at from high above. It's very nice and there was a cool breeeze blowing. We'll post some pix.

I may go for the next stem cells (monday) as an IV unless this shouder radically improves tomorrow. Very few stem cells make it to the brain in that case, but it is more systemic, and I won't have to lie on my back for six hours. It should heal up in time for a final spinal, next Monday.