Thursday, October 05, 2006

Well, looks like today will be a lost day. Was ready to take a shower and head down to rehab, but they came in with the IV. An hour later, I was late again for rehab, so I took a quick shower but fell as I was drying off. Hit hard, could have been a disaster! Wrenched my shoulder so Sally is typing this. Dr Liang checked me out. But I'm pretty useless for rehab today. That's the third fall I've taken here. I'm trying to be careful. Was a lot more stable today. Still am, actually. Feeling more stable is a double-edged sword, though. You make moves (like turning too fast) that are reserved for non-ataxics, and you lose your balance. Your body remembers too easily how things used to be.

Signed up for a fifth injection, two days before we leave. Which is less than two weeks now. Booked the airline ticket to Tucson, and made an appointment with Dr. Perlman at UCLA, between arrival at LAX and departure for home.

LATER, It's about 8 PM and the children have gone to bed. The ward has quickly transformed today, with colored interlocking rubber mats on the floors and toy cars and scooters. Two children from E. Europe arrived today. Two more tomorrow.

My collarbone has swelled up, and bruises are starting to appear. I was sent to X-Ray for a picture of my shoulder. I don't need this. I dread trying to sleep tonight, and more dread waking up tomorrow. But I feel pretty good otherwise!